The Effects of Kratom Use – Difference between kratom strains

Kratom extract is one of the many ways that you can take kratom. When you look online, you will find dozens of different types of kratom extract and different suggestions on how to use them. It can be confusing trying to determine how to use kratom extract. To help you out – here are some tips and suggestions for using kratom extract and where to buy it.

Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tree-like plant from Southeast Asia that belongs to the same family of plants as coffee and gardenias. Kratom has been used as an herbal remedy in Thailand and neighboring countries for hundreds of years for a number of ailments. It has dose-dependent stimulant and opiate-like effects.

In addition to being used for an energy boost as well as for some mild pain relief, there is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that it may be helpful in the management of withdrawal symptoms associated with opiate addiction.

Since 2000, there has been a substantial increase in the rates of kratom use in North America and Europe both as a recreational drug and for the self-management of pain and opiate withdrawal (a practice advised against by most medical professionals).

Kratom Effects

Kratom has a strong effect on your anxiety, mood and energy levels. It lowers your anxiety level, while the feeling has been described as happy, strong, and active, with a strong desire to do work. The mind is described as calm. Thai workers use it to get through a hard day of work. Effects come on within five to ten minutes after use, and can last for several hours.

Most people describe the effects as stimulating and euphoric at lower doses, becoming sedative at higher doses. This is probably explained by the fact that mitragynine stimulates the delta opioid receptors when used in small quantities, but tends to increasingly stimulate mu opioid receptors when used in larger quantities. These are the same receptors that are stimulated when using opiate drugs.

Although the most important alkaloids are related to psychedelic substances, there appears to be no psychedelic activity. The dominant effects seem to be similar to opiate drugs, and include analgesia and cough suppression, but effects are also described as euphoric and stimulating. These effects are roughly comparable in strength to codeine.

There are some sources that suggest Kratom (like opiates) stimulates desire in women and reduces erectile problems in men. This is most likely explained by the effect of mitragynine on one’s anxiety levels. Other effects of mitragynine are a reduction in smooth muscle tone, local anesthesia, and central nervous system depression.

Acute possible negative effects include dry mouth, increased urination, loss of appetite, and constipation. Unlike opiates, mitragynine does not cause nausea or vomiting in most cases. Heavy use can result in a prolonged sleep. Read more about the effects of and warnings for the use of kratom on the warnings page.

Difference between kratom strains

There are several types of kratom available, and new strains seem to appear on the market frequently. However, in reality these are often commercial Thai or Malaysian types, sold under a different name.

Responsible for the difference in effects are genetic differences, causing a change in indole and alkaloid formation.

Bali: Users report that Bali kratom becomes narcotic and very relaxing at higher doses, while it allows for a more stimulating effect when low doses are ingested.

Thai: Thai kratom effects are said to be the longest lasting, and most sedating of all kratom strains. Nowadays commercial available Thai kratom is grown in countries other than Thailand, as it was banned some years ago. A normal dose of Thai kratom contains 3-5 grams.

Malaysia: Malaysian kratom is reported to be almost identical to kratom originating from Bali.

Maeng Da: (Thai) Maeng Da kratom is translated as ‘pimp grade’ kratom and originates from Thailand. It is the strongest kratom strain available today. According to users, Maeng Da is less euphoric than other strains, but it’s praised for its energizing effects. Critics say it’s more jittery than other Premium Thai strains, and argue it doesn’t last as long. The active dose is 1-2 grams. High quality Maeng Da is very green in color.

Dănuț Încrosnatu
Dănuț Încrosnatu
As the founder of, my passion for exploring the depths of consciousness and enhancing personal growth has led me on an incredible journey, delving into the world of psychedelic compounds, natural medicines, and responsible drug use. I have a burning desire for spiritual growth and mental well-being, and I truly value open-mindedness, curiosity, and self-exploration. With a strong drive for personal development and creative expression, I am fueled by a vision of social change and sustainability. My experimental nature and empathetic personality make me deeply introspective and socially responsible, and I am constantly inspired by the power of art, creativity, and community. :)