In-depth Comparison: CBD vs. THC

Do you know the difference between cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)? I can remember back to just a few years ago where CBD oil was only talked about amongst a few. During that time, you only heard about CBD...

CBD Oil vs Marijuana

When people talk about marijuana or cannabis, they often think of the recreational pleasure they get after consuming it. That’s the wrong image people has made about cannabidiol oil or marijuana. Apart from the recreational benefits, CBD oil and...

10 Little Known Facts About CBD Oil

You may have heard about Cannabidiol or CBD and to some extent CBD Oil. This is a cannabinoid found in the Hemp plant. Unlike some of the other components of Cannabis, CBD has no psychoactive effects, making it useful...

7 Unknown Benefits Of CBD Oil In Your Daily Life

Chances are that you have probably heard of the medicinal properties of marijuana or cannabis as it is known. Medicinal cannabis oil is high in the cannabinoid THC and though it serves many medical purposes, it also alters consciousness....

CBD: Powerful Alternative Treatment for Mental Illness

"Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.— 43.8 million, or 18.5% — experiences mental illness in a given year". These are the alarming statistics we are currently facing in the United States, according to the National Alliance on...


Best Gifts for Hofmann Bicycle Day 2024

Hofmann Bicycle Day, commemorating Dr. Albert Hofmann's first intentional...

Kanna. Yes, it’s like natural MDMA

Kanna, or sceletium tortuosum as it's scientifically known, isn't...

Introduction to THCP

The cannabinoid THCP (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol) continues to be a focal...

Germany Legalizes Personal Cannabis Use

In a historic move, Germany has joined the ranks...

The Man Who Swallowed Over 110 Grams of Hash to Avoid Arrest

In a rather unexpected turn of events in Bermuda,...