
6 facts about psychedelic drugs that will totally blow your mind

Despite the fact that the U.S. government deems many hallucinogenic or psychedelic substances to be dangerous, classifying them as Schedule I drugs with “no currently accepted medical use,” various scientists have dared to study their effects. What they’ve found over the years paints a...

Inducing A Psychedelic State Without Psychedelics: Inside Holotropic Breathing

Entering A Psychedelic State without Psychedelics: Inside Holotropic Breathwork. Holotropic breathwork is a mysterious and powerful method of healing and self-exploration that utilizes one’s environment and breathing technique to provide them with a profound and momentous experience of the mind. The development of holotropic breathwork was...

Are Psychedelics The Door To Deeper Consciousness?

Psychedelics are not to be taken lightly, I say this meaning that they should not be abused as a recreational substance, but they should also not be taken thoughtlessly to achieve an easy road to enlightenment. If you ever decide that psychedelics are right for...

Terence McKenna And The Howling Tao’, a heartwarming tale of wishing to be understood

Produced for the movie 'Terence McKenna's True Hallucinations', this short animated story is a glimpse into the mind of a 23-year-old Terence McKenna, spending the March of 1971 in the middle of the Amazon jungle, already steeped in Sci-fi and Taoism, with an imagination...

How Shamans Dream the World into Being

Whether you realize it or not, we are all dreaming the world into being. What we’re engaging in is not the sleeping dream we’re familiar with, but the waking dream we craft with our eyes open. When we’re unaware that we all share the...

Watch Alan Watts’ Powerful Speech On The Higher Self

Alan Watts, considered one of the most renowned philosophers on the planet gives his insight on one of the largest questions of life; what is the self?  Alan Watts (1915-1973) was a British-born philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and popularizer of...

Doctors Explain How Hiking Actually Changes Our Brains

While it may seem obvious that a good hike through a forest or up a mountain can cleanse your mind, body, and soul, science is now discovering that hiking can actually change your brain… for the better! Hiking In Nature Can Stop Negative, Obsessive Thoughts Aside from the...

Who or What are the DMT Entities? Theories and Musings with Mystery School in Hyperspace Author Graham St. John

A Cultural History of DMT DMT, proper name N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, also known as the “spirit molecule,” and perhaps best known as the active compound in Ayahuasca, is a psychedelic compound known to induce altered states of consciousness including, bliss, oneness, transcendence, out of body experiences, and...