
How to Enter a Psychedelic State Without Psychedelics

In the mid-70’s Dr. Stanislav Grof developed a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing that he dubbed Holotropic Breathwork™. Integrating insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world, this practice allows you to enter...

HOW TO SPOT A HIPPIE: Here are some Tips!

Hippie Spotting: Here’s your Guide Hippie’s are the coolest type of people, they don’t have a care in the world, they live-off the grid and are the most fun-loving bunch under the sun.  As a bit of fun, here’s a guide to spotting one. Namaste :...

How To Best Pack A Bowl With Ground Weed

Packing a bowl with ground weed and having it fall straight through the cone piece is a pet peeve for a lot of smokers. There are measures you can take to ensure that your weed doesn’t fall straight through the bowl. This is a...

How To Make Dry Ice Hash

Did you know you can experiment with making your own hash, just with a bucket, dry ice and a bubble bag? Of course, you’re going to need some weed too. It’s easy and safe and you can do it at home! Making your own keef! Basically,...

How To Roll Different Styles of Joints

According to Bogart, the trick to rolling the perfect joint is all in preparing your weed! If you remove all stems and seeds, and grind your weed to perfection, it will make rolling the perfect joint easier. So don’t grind your weed too fine...

How To Roll A Joint With A Rolling Machine

If you don´t know how to roll a joint, it´s OK, because companies like RAW and ZIG ZAG make rolling machines for those of us who are rolling impaired. For those who haven’t tried, or haven’t quite mastered it, we’re going to teach you...

Afroman Teaches You How To Roll A Blunt

So, you want to learn how to roll a blunt? You got it. Whenever we come across a great and entertaining tutorial such as this one, there’s no doubt that we are going to be sharing it with you guys. Maybe you already know how...

How To Roll The Perfect Joint Filter

Why use joint filters? Using joint filters are a matter of preference for smokers, but there are benefits to using jointfilters tips. If you are used to rolling joints without a filter, you should seriously give this a try! Here are all the reasons that using...