Psilocybin Can Help Ease Anxiety

One of life’s greatest challenges is learning how to confront death, the unknown, the state of un-being. Psychedelic substances offer one way to come to grips with the void, and this study published in the Journal of Cancer Research...

Ayahuasca Could Reverse Diabetes, Study Finds

Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that damages the pancreas' ability to produce insulin for the body. It currently affects hundreds of millions of individuals world wide. The contraction rate of diabetes is at an all time high and remains...

Genetic Link Found Between Mental Illness & Creativity: Here Are The Details

A new study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience has discovered a genetic link between mental illness and creativity. The research was conducted by scientists from deCODE genetics and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College, located in...

Here’s What Marijuana Does To Broken Bones

At this point, it’s no secret that medical marijuana is useful for a variety of ailments. It can relieve glaucoma, reverse damage from smoking cigarettes and improve lung health, combat the severe seizure disorderDavet’s Syndrome, and can even stop cancer...


Best Gifts for Hofmann Bicycle Day 2024

Hofmann Bicycle Day, commemorating Dr. Albert Hofmann's first intentional...

Kanna. Yes, it’s like natural MDMA

Kanna, or sceletium tortuosum as it's scientifically known, isn't...

Introduction to THCP

The cannabinoid THCP (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol) continues to be a focal...

Germany Legalizes Personal Cannabis Use

In a historic move, Germany has joined the ranks...

The Man Who Swallowed Over 110 Grams of Hash to Avoid Arrest

In a rather unexpected turn of events in Bermuda,...