
What’s Your Mandala Match?

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Count in 3 deep breath cycles. Open your eyes. Gaze over this graphic – which mandala + corresponding number are you first draw to? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. COPYRIGHT © 2015 THE FIFTH ELEMENT LIFE Thanks to The Fifth Element Life for this...

Finally, Most Young Americans Now Accept Evolution Over Creationism

Creationism is nothing short of an anti-scientific superstition, but right-wing evangelicals in the U.S. have been pushing for it to be taught in science classes across the nation, rebranding it as “Intelligent Design.” Partly because of this, and a persistent distrust in scientists, the...

Terence McKenna On DMT, Mathematical Dimensions, Syntax And Death

In this breathtaking lecture segment, Terence Mckenna passionately shares his personal, eye-wtiness based understanding of the varying realms of existence that can be briefly visited through the ingestion of neurotransmitters. He discusses the struggles faced in the scientific approach to understanding these substances and the...

The Top 14 Ways to Achieve Spiritual Enlightenment

We are currently in the midst of a Great Awakening, as more and more people are achieving Enlightenment. This shift in Collective Consciousness has been documented in prophecies for millennia, and has created an opportunity for vast numbers of people to reach their Highest...

Veganism and Psychedelic Experiences

Veganism and Psychedelic Experiences The desire to experience mind and body again as a new and changing reality has had precedents of countless varieties, for example the back-to-the-land naturism and vegetarianism via American Indians (Harris 11). During the 1960s’ Summer of Love, the garden metaphor,...

Another Powerful Jim Carrey Message To Humanity That Could Change Your Life Forever

“My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul. I’ve often said that I wish people could realize all their dreams and wealth and fame so that they can see that it’s...

How Higher Levels of Consciousness May Appear in our Life

When we are asked what we find the most important thing in our life, the most of us would be able to answer the question. We would, naturally, come up with different answers, but that is not the point; the point is that we...

Psychedelic Society Revisited: On Reducing Valves, Reality Tunnels and the Question of Psychedelic Culture

Some thirty years ago, in May 1983, Terence McKenna’s contact lenses failed him during a critical moment of his speech at the psychedelic conference in Santa Barbara. Unable to read from the page, McKenna had to resort to improvising. Listening to the recording after...