A Crash Course on Delta 8 Edibles

Delta 8 is one of over 100 cannabinoids produced naturally by the cannabis plant, and the compound has amassed a giant following nationally and abroad. Delta 8 edibles are among the most popular delta 8 products on the market...

Germany will Legalize Recreational Use of Cannabis 

In Germany, policymaking has begun to catch up with the culture; cannabis is now being regulated. The controlling coalition government, formed of Social Democrats (SPD), environmentalist Greens, and neoliberal Free Democrats (FDP) has publicly stated their plans to allow...

Biden announces mass pardon for those convicted of Marijuana possession

On Thursday, former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden pardoned thousands of people who were convicted of marijuana possession under federal law, calling his administration would review whether cannabis should remain in the same legal category as drugs like heroin...

Comparing THCB to THCP

Cannabinoids with the most widespread recognition, such as CBD and THC, are currently commanding the undivided focus of cannabis users worldwide due to the diverse range of uses to which you may put them. However, recent research has uncovered...

Growing LSD Weed Seeds – The Benefits of Growing These Seeds and The Best Technique To Use

The LSD strain is a hallucinogen popular in the 1950s due to its long-lasting, mind-altering effects. Recreational users appreciate this strain due to its reality-altering effects and intense THC concentration of 24 %, which users should be responsible and...


Best Gifts for Hofmann Bicycle Day 2024

Hofmann Bicycle Day, commemorating Dr. Albert Hofmann's first intentional...

Kanna. Yes, it’s like natural MDMA

Kanna, or sceletium tortuosum as it's scientifically known, isn't...

Introduction to THCP

The cannabinoid THCP (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol) continues to be a focal...

Germany Legalizes Personal Cannabis Use

In a historic move, Germany has joined the ranks...

The Man Who Swallowed Over 110 Grams of Hash to Avoid Arrest

In a rather unexpected turn of events in Bermuda,...