Uncovering the Truth: Myths & Facts About Delta 8 Explained

What does the latest research say about Delta 8 THC? We dispel the myths and highlight the facts. Click to read more.

Choosing the Right Vape Starter Kit: A Beginner’s Roadmap to Finding Your Perfect Device

Discover the best vape starter kits for beginners. Uncover a variety of products designed for those new to vaping. Gain insights into what to consider before making a purchase.

Why You Should Grow Your Own Weed

Discover the top reasons to grow your own weed at home, including cost savings, quality control, and environmental benefits.

From Bicycle Day to 420: A Wild Ride Through Counterculture Holidays

Explore the unique and fascinating histories of Bicycle Day and 420 Weed Day, two counterculture holidays that celebrate mind-altering substances and the freedom to question societal norms.

CBD and Psychedelics: Interactions and Therapeutic Benefits

Overview of CBD and Psychedelics Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants known for its therapeutic properties, such as pain relief, anxiety reduction, and anti-inflammatory effects. Psychedelics, on the other hand, are substances that can alter perception,...


Best Gifts for Hofmann Bicycle Day 2024

Hofmann Bicycle Day, commemorating Dr. Albert Hofmann's first intentional...

Kanna. Yes, it’s like natural MDMA

Kanna, or sceletium tortuosum as it's scientifically known, isn't...

Introduction to THCP

The cannabinoid THCP (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol) continues to be a focal...

Germany Legalizes Personal Cannabis Use

In a historic move, Germany has joined the ranks...

The Man Who Swallowed Over 110 Grams of Hash to Avoid Arrest

In a rather unexpected turn of events in Bermuda,...