Top 7 Mind-Blowing Psychedelic Netflix Shows

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Psychedelics have been a subject of fascination for many people over the years. The mind-altering effects they can produce, along with the potential for spiritual exploration and self-discovery, have inspired countless films, books, and documentaries. In recent years, streaming platforms like Netflix have begun to offer a plethora of content related to psychedelics. If you’re interested in this fascinating topic, here are some of the best Netflix shows that explore the world of psychedelics.

The World of Psychedelics

History and Popularity

Psychedelics have been used in various cultures throughout history for spiritual, therapeutic, and recreational purposes. In the 1960s, the counterculture movement brought psychedelics to the forefront of Western society, with substances like LSD and psilocybin mushrooms becoming popular. Today, there’s a renewed interest in psychedelics for their potential in mental health treatments and personal growth.

The Role of Psychedelics in Society

While psychedelics are still considered controversial and, in many cases, illegal, their impact on art, music, and culture is undeniable. They have influenced generations of creative minds and continue to spark curiosity and debate about their potential benefits and risks.

Top Netflix Shows on Psychedelics

1. The Midnight Gospel

The Midnight Gospel is an animated series created by Pendleton Ward and comedian Duncan Trussell. The show follows Clancy, a spacecaster who travels through bizarre, psychedelic worlds and interviews various beings about life, death, and spirituality. The show’s colorful visuals and thought-provoking conversations make it a must-watch for anyone interested in psychedelics.

2. Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics

Have a Good Trip is a documentary that explores the world of psychedelics through the stories of celebrities and comedians like Sting, Sarah Silverman, and Nick Offerman. The film offers a lighthearted and humorous look at the various experiences and effects that psychedelics can produce.

3. The Mind, Explained: Psychedelics

This 20-minute Netflix episode explores how psychedelic experiences can reduce health-related anxiety for cancer patients, help people quit smoking, and provide relief from treatment-resistant depression. The episode is narrated by actor Emma Stone and features playful animations that make the complex topic of psychedelics accessible to a wider audience.

4. Fantastic Fungi

Fantastic Fungi is another noteworthy addition to the list of shows and documentaries that explore the world of psychedelics. This visually stunning and informative documentary delves into the fascinating realm of fungi, specifically focusing on the potential benefits of psilocybin-containing mushrooms. By examining the role of fungi in ecosystems, medicine, and mental health, Fantastic Fungi offers a comprehensive and awe-inspiring look into the untapped potential of these incredible organisms.

5. How to Change Your Mind

How to Change Your Mind is a captivating documentary based on the bestselling book by Michael Pollan. This enlightening film dives into the history, science, and resurgence of psychedelic substances, such as LSD and psilocybin, and their potential therapeutic applications. With a focus on the power of psychedelics to transform and heal the human mind, How to Change Your Mind offers a compelling exploration of these substances, blending personal stories with scientific research to create an engaging and thought-provoking viewing experience.

6. Ram Dass, Going Home

Ram Dass, Going Home is a poignant documentary that offers an intimate look into the life of spiritual teacher and psychedelic advocate Ram Dass. The film captures the final years of his life as he reflects on his experiences with psychedelics, spirituality, and the process of aging and dying. This inspiring documentary showcases the profound impact that psychedelics, combined with spiritual practice, can have on one’s perspective of life, death, and the nature of existence.

7. Magic Medicine

Magic Medicine is an insightful documentary that deserves a spot on the list of shows and documentaries about psychedelics. The film follows a group of volunteers as they participate in a groundbreaking study on the potential therapeutic effects of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms. By showcasing the personal experiences of these individuals and highlighting the scientific research behind the use of psilocybin for treating mental health issues, Magic Medicine provides an eye-opening look into the possible future of psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Honorable Mentions

1. Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia

Although not available on Netflix, Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia is a must-watch for anyone interested in psychedelics. The show follows Hamilton Morris as he travels the world, exploring the history, chemistry, and cultural impact of various psychoactive substances.

2. The Joe Rogan Experience

While not exclusively about psychedelics, The Joe Rogan Experience podcast often delves into the topic through interviews with researchers, advocates, and individuals with personal experiences. Many episodes are available on YouTube, and they provide a wealth of information and unique perspectives on the world of psychedelics.

3 DMT: The Spirit Molecule

DMT: The Spirit Molecule is a documentary based on the book of the same name by Dr. Rick Strassman. The film delves into the mysterious and powerful psychedelic compound DMT (dimethyltryptamine), which is found in many plants and animals, including humans. The documentary features interviews with scientists, researchers, and individuals who have experienced the profound effects of DMT.

4. The Sunshine Makers

The Sunshine Makers is a documentary that tells the story of Nicholas Sand and Tim Scully, two chemists who played a significant role in the production and distribution of LSD during the 1960s. The film explores their motivations, the challenges they faced, and the impact their actions had on the world of psychedelics.

5. Neurons to Nirvana

This documentary explores the history, science, and potential therapeutic uses of psychedelic substances like LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, and ayahuasca. Neurons to Nirvana features interviews with leading experts in the field and provides a comprehensive look at the potential benefits and risks of using psychedelics.

Benefits of Watching Psychedelic Shows

Watching shows and documentaries about psychedelics can be an educational and entertaining way to learn more about these intriguing substances. They can help to dispel myths and misconceptions, provide valuable insights into the science and history of psychedelics, and offer a glimpse into the potential benefits and risks of using them.


The world of psychedelics is vast and fascinating, and there’s no shortage of content available to explore this topic. The shows and documentaries mentioned in this article are just a starting point for anyone interested in delving into the subject. Whether you’re a seasoned psychonaut or just curious about the world of altered states, these Netflix shows about psychedelics will surely captivate your imagination.


Are psychedelics legal?

The legality of psychedelics varies depending on the substance and the country. In most countries, substances like LSD, psilocybin, and DMT are illegal. However, some countries have decriminalized or legalized certain psychedelics for medical or personal use.

Can watching psychedelic shows cause hallucinations?

While some shows may feature visually stimulating or trippy imagery, they are unlikely to cause hallucinations in viewers who have not ingested any psychedelic substances.

Are all psychedelic experiences the same?

No, each individual’s experience with psychedelics can vary greatly depending on factors such as dosage, set and setting, and personal history.

What is the difference between LSD and psilocybin?

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) and psilocybin (found in “magic mushrooms”) are both psychedelic substances that can induce altered states of consciousness. While their effects can be similar, they are chemically different and may produce unique experiences for users.

Can psychedelics be used for therapeutic purposes?

There is a growing body of research suggesting that psychedelics, when used in controlled settings and under the guidance of trained professionals, may have potential therapeutic benefits for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Dănuț Încrosnatu
Dănuț Încrosnatu
As the founder of, my passion for exploring the depths of consciousness and enhancing personal growth has led me on an incredible journey, delving into the world of psychedelic compounds, natural medicines, and responsible drug use. I have a burning desire for spiritual growth and mental well-being, and I truly value open-mindedness, curiosity, and self-exploration. With a strong drive for personal development and creative expression, I am fueled by a vision of social change and sustainability. My experimental nature and empathetic personality make me deeply introspective and socially responsible, and I am constantly inspired by the power of art, creativity, and community. :)