Discover How Psychedelics Influence Spiritual Beliefs, God, and Reality

Explore the fascinating connection between psychedelics and spiritual beliefs, including their impact on perceptions of God, reality, and superstitions. Learn how these substances can lead to profound changes in personal belief systems.

Have you ever had a profound spiritual experience while under the influence of psychedelics? If so, you’re not alone. Many people who use psychedelics report feeling a closer connection to God or experiencing a higher reality. This may be because psychedelics can affect our beliefs about God, reality, and superstition. In this article, we will delve into the impact of psychedelics on spiritual beliefs, examining how they affect our understanding of God, reality, and superstitions.

Psychedelics offer vast potential in the realm of personal spiritual growth and understanding. Through mystical experiences, people often report feeling a deep connection to the divine, gaining a greater understanding of universal truths, and becoming more tolerant of other viewpoints. Although there is much to be celebrated in these outcomes, it’s important to remember that not everyone has the same reaction to psychedelics—some may even have negative experiences. It’s important to approach psychedelics with an open mind and heart, keeping your intentions focused on personal growth and exploration.

With that said, let’s dive into how psychedelics can affect our beliefs about God, reality, and superstition.

It is no secret that psychedelic drugs have reputedly been known to induce mystical and existential experiences, yet there has been a lack of exploration into these claims. Now, however, recent research published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology reveals that a single exposure to psychedelics can indeed affect one’s beliefs concerning spirituality, consciousness, and life’s meaning. This groundbreaking discovery serves as proof that psychedelics may hold powerful potential for helping people find the answers they seek within themselves.

Research Design

The potential of psychedelics to influence people’s spiritual beliefs has been explored in a recent study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. Conducted by Sandeep Nayak and his team from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the study involved an online survey targeting English-speaking individuals who had undergone belief-changing psychedelic experiences with either DMT, LSD, magic mushrooms, mescaline, or ayahuasca. Out of the 3,500 respondents, 2,347 reported some kind of transformation in their beliefs after taking psychedelics.

For the survey, respondents were asked to agree or disagree with a series of statements that pertained to beliefs before and after they had undergone one psychedelic experience.

The findings suggest that psychedelics may play an important role in personal spiritual growth and exploration. People reported feeling a closer connection to God or having mystical experiences which helped them gain insight into universal truths and become more tolerant to different points of view. While psychedelics are not for everyone, those who approach it with an open mind may find themselves confronting mental blocks and gaining new perspectives on life.

Psychedelic drugs can also influence beliefs about reality and superstition. Many users report experiencing a “higher reality” while under the influence—a separate plane of existence outside ordinary consciousness. This can lead people to reevaluate their understanding of what is real and possible in this world, often leading to novel ways of thinking and living. Moreover, psychedelics have also been found to reduce people’s fear of death. This can be due to users understanding that death is only a transition between physical realms rather than something permanent or sinister.

Exploring the Transformative Power of Psychedelics: Before and After

The study showed that the beliefs surveyed fell into five categories: dualism, paranormal / spirituality, attribution of consciousness to non-mammals and mammals, and superstitious beliefs. Interestingly enough however, those regarding dualism, spirituality, and consciousness saw the most pronounced changes when compared with other belief systems.

For example, 36% of respondents had agreed with the statement that “the body is material and the mind is immaterial” before their psychedelic experience, but this increased to 60% afterward. Belief in telepathy and life after death doubled, from 30% and 38% before the psychedelic experience, respectively, to 62% and 74% afterward.

Before the psychedelic experience, 36% of participants agreed with the statement that “the body is material and the mind is immaterial”. This number increased to 60% afterward. Furthermore, belief in telepathy jumped from 30% to 62%; whereas life after death increased from 38% to an impressive 74%.

Before the research, 39% of those surveyed had faith in spiritual entities such as spirits and angels. After it was completed, that number increased to 68%. Similarly, only 26% believed plants were capable of feeling conscious – which increased to 62% afterward.

Despite numerous changes in beliefs, some remained unchanged – 73% of participants still believed people have free will and 10% stayed true to the notion that the Loch Ness monster exists.

It is worth mentioning that psychedelics are effective in reducing superstitious beliefs. Initially, 10% of participants held the belief that breaking a mirror would bring bad luck, but after taking psychedelics this number dropped to 5%. Similarly, 7% of individuals believed that 13 was an unlucky number beforehand which decreased to 3% afterward.

In conclusion, most participants (87%) claimed that their psychedelic experience had reformed the way in which they perceived reality. Moreover, those who believed in a higher power or God swelled from 29% to 59%.

Furthermore, research indicates that psychedelics usage increases one’s capacity for empathy – which some have argued is closely linked with spiritual experiences – as well as encourages a more positive outlook on life overall compared to pre-experience levels. This suggests that psychedelics can offer individuals a greater understanding of themselves as well as increase their appreciation for the world around them by promoting more meaningful connections with others and heightened awareness of other living beings beyond oneself.

How do psychedelics influence our beliefs and perceptions?

Recent hypotheses suggest that psychedelics may facilitate the relaxation of “high-level priors or beliefs“, allowing for the acceptance and strengthening of lower-level information. However, this does not fully explain the results seen in their survey. The researchers infer that cultural context, the unmasking of underlying cognitive biases, and learning through powerful experiences also play an essential role in belief changes observed during psychedelic use.

Despite the potential drawbacks associated with this study, such as an incomplete representation of psychedelic users and self-reported data collection which is highly subjective, these findings confirm similar studies that point to psychedelics being capable of changing metaphysical beliefs.

Because psychedelics can alter perspectives on life, God, and reality, it is important to consider the implications psychedelics may have on personal spirituality. Ultimately, psychedelics have the potential to enhance spiritual experiences and beliefs, although further research is necessary to provide more concrete conclusions. With that said, psychedelics appear to have a role in the spiritual realm and may provide users with enhanced insight and understanding.

For this reason, psychedelics should be taken with caution and in a therapeutic setting, as psychedelics may help to promote spiritual growth but also potentially lead to adverse mental health effects.

Dănuț Încrosnatu
Dănuț Încrosnatu
As the founder of, my passion for exploring the depths of consciousness and enhancing personal growth has led me on an incredible journey, delving into the world of psychedelic compounds, natural medicines, and responsible drug use. I have a burning desire for spiritual growth and mental well-being, and I truly value open-mindedness, curiosity, and self-exploration. With a strong drive for personal development and creative expression, I am fueled by a vision of social change and sustainability. My experimental nature and empathetic personality make me deeply introspective and socially responsible, and I am constantly inspired by the power of art, creativity, and community. :)