Can CBD Help with Menopause Symptoms?

Numerous studies have reported the positive effects of CBD and CBD-rich cannabis oil on mood changes, joint pain, and sleep problems, all commonly associated with hormonal changes during menopause.

Most women first start developing menopause signs around four to six months before their final menstrual period. Some women also experience early menopause signs for several years before the actual menopausal phase. Only a handful of women actually experience symptoms longer than twelve years after their last menstrual period.

Some of the menopause symptoms can even occur early on in pregnancy and are quite common. However, most people only suffer from more severe symptoms once they become menopausal, usually between 45-55.

These symptoms can include:

  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Decreased libido
  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes

You may also notice that you are experiencing weight gain or even loss, especially in the abdominal area.

Similarities between menopause and premenstrual syndrome

Although menopausal symptoms are inevitable in older women, younger women can still experience similar symptoms known as premenstrual syndrome. Premenstrual syndrome is common among women who are not yet menopausal and often have a matching set of symptoms as menopause does, including moodiness, fatigue, bloating, and depression.

How can this oil help?

Menopause can be a challenging phase, but luckily it doesn’t last forever. When you notice symptoms that you think might be menopausal, you should speak with your doctor immediately and try to determine exactly what these symptoms are. If you are experiencing early onset symptoms, you may just need to adjust your life to accommodate those symptoms rather than having to deal with the symptoms of menopause on its own.

Menopause is a normal part of a woman’s life. Although it can be challenging to handle, most women will find that the menopausal symptoms do pass on their own and that the menopausal phase of their lives is easily controlled by adjusting to menopause in their lives.

One fascinating method gaining traction these days is the use of CBD oil to help alleviate symptoms.

The Benefits of CBD Oil For Menopause

Many women ask: “can CBD help with the menopause?” It is a ubiquitous question asked by women who have been diagnosed with menopause. They want to know what it is and any real benefits of taking this natural oil. The answer is that it is actually a potent medicine that has been used in Eastern cultures for centuries and is becoming more popular these days in the Western world.

This oil helps regulate the mood, helps relieve muscle tension, reduces blood pressure, and increases the body’s ability to fight off infections and even stop the signs of aging. Here is what you need to know about CBD oil and menopause.

By using CBD oil, most women will be able to reduce some of the menopause symptoms and make some positive changes to their lives. The best part is that this oil works on the whole body and not just one specific area.

Numerous studies have reported the positive effects of CBD and CBD-rich cannabis oil on mood changes, joint pain, and sleep problems, all commonly associated with hormonal changes during menopause.
Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

It is beneficial for treating the various symptoms of menopause, such as depression, fatigue, lack of energy, muscle tension, and the other symptoms that may be present. In fact, many women have found that they have seen some benefits within the first three days of taking it. There is no need for a doctor to prescribe the oil since it can be purchased online and used in your own home’s comfort, so there is really nothing to worry about with this fantastic new product. However, it is important to understand what dosage to take.

General health benefits of CBD oil

With the increasing interest in the benefits of CBD oil for overall health, it is no wonder that many companies are now producing and marketing these products to those looking for alternative ways of treatment and prevention of certain types of disease. While it is not known how much these oils may benefit your health, there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that they do, and in some cases, have been shown to have positive effects on conditions like cancer.

The main reason people are interested in using CBD oil for increased health is that they have seen positive results using them in conjunction with other methods. For instance, in recent studies conducted by the University of Miami and the University of Arizona, it was found that people who used the oil showed a significant increase in their blood levels of both neurotransmitters and hormones. They were also found to experience fewer adverse side effects than those who did not take the oil. In addition, when it was tested in a group of mice exposed to different types of toxins, the mice who took CBD showed an increased amount of the neurotransmitters that can help with the body’s immune system, as well as a decreased level of stress hormones.

Hemp oil vs. CBD

What is the difference between CBD oil and hemp oil? A lot of people don’t really know. Most people assume that they are the same thing, but that’s actually not the case. The truth is that CBD oil has been bred to be more potent than hemp, so it has a lot more health benefits than hemp does. Nevertheless, hemp does have its own positive qualities, so you should still enjoy those if you want to go down the more “natural route.”

In short, CBD oil is derived from hemp. It is usually sold in liquid form or in capsules. Some people use it to treat epilepsy and even panic attacks, though there are no concrete studies to support those claims. Hemp has been used for centuries to treat everything from indigestion to arthritis and menopause.

Medical research has proven that hemp and, by association, CBD oil, is much safer than synthetic drugs. There’s also the fact that it doesn’t cause any side effects, like other pharmaceutical medications. Regarding menopause, in particular, one of the more popular treatments is what is known as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)


Before going ahead with a decision to purchase CBD oil, you should be well aware of the legalities surrounding it. While many places are coming around to the idea that legalization is inevitable and relaxing laws, other jurisdictions may be far stricter. It is wise not to assume that your authority has legalized it or not. As usual with anything health-related, the first port of call should be a qualified doctor.

Dănuț Încrosnatu
Dănuț Încrosnatu
As the founder of, my passion for exploring the depths of consciousness and enhancing personal growth has led me on an incredible journey, delving into the world of psychedelic compounds, natural medicines, and responsible drug use. I have a burning desire for spiritual growth and mental well-being, and I truly value open-mindedness, curiosity, and self-exploration. With a strong drive for personal development and creative expression, I am fueled by a vision of social change and sustainability. My experimental nature and empathetic personality make me deeply introspective and socially responsible, and I am constantly inspired by the power of art, creativity, and community. :)