
Best Gifts for Hofmann Bicycle Day 2024

Hofmann Bicycle Day, commemorating Dr. Albert Hofmann's first intentional LSD trip on April 19, 1943, has evolved into a cultural celebration of psychedelic exploration and its transformative potential. As we approach Hofmann Bicycle Day 2024, it’s the perfect time to think about gifts that...

Kanna. Yes, it’s like natural MDMA

Kanna, or sceletium tortuosum as it's scientifically known, isn't a newcomer on the scene. It's been a staple in South African culture for centuries. Traditionally, South Africans have chewed, smoked, snuffed, or brewed the succulent's flowers into tea. Interestingly, as James Giordano, a professor...

Elevating Consciousness: The Interplay of CBD and Psychedelics in Modern Therapies

The worlds of natural wellness and therapeutic interventions are witnessing a fascinating convergence, with substances like CBD and psychedelics emerging as potential game-changers in modern health practices. While both have been known and used in various capacities for years, their combined potential in therapeutic...

Guide to Using a Magic Mushroom Growkit

Imagine a lush, enchanting garden sprouting right in the comfort of your home, where the magical fruits of nature unravel their mysteries. No, we're not talking about a fairy tale; we're talking about growing magic mushrooms using a growkit! Table of contentsA Brief History of...

From 1V-LSD to 1D-LSD: The Evolution of Legal Lysergamides

In the evolving landscape of psychedelic substances, 1D-LSD is another new 'frankendrug' designed to circumvent European laws. With the tightening of regulations on known substances, inventive chemists have turned their efforts towards creating analogs and derivatives that offer similar effects while remaining within the...

The Dawn of a New Era: Salem Ends Arrests for Psilocybin Mushrooms

Once infamous for its 17th century witch trials, the city of Salem, Massachusetts, is now pioneering a groundbreaking change. In a move that marks the end of a modern-day "witch hunt," Salem has officially put a stop to arrests for psilocybin mushrooms. This decision...

First Psychedelic Trip: Preparation and Expectations

From setting intentions to understanding dosage, learn how to prepare for your first psychedelic trip safely.

Magic Truffles 101: Your Essential Guide

Plan the perfect psychedelic experience with our ultimate Magic Truffles Guide. Learn everything you need to know about magic truffles, from their history, effects, and responsible use.